Saturday 12th April 2014
Case and I drinkie too muchie the night before, but we just about managed to drag our carcasses out of bed and managed to make it to Lance’s gaff before noon.
Today we’d be visiting Lance’s island… Dead Man’s Island. And since the island might well be haunted, we bought a weally weally cute puppy called “Gringo” with us for protection.

After which we headed along the New River towards Dead Man’s Island.

and Casey and I went for a hack through the jungle, which culminated in us getting a couple of kick-ass magic hour photos of us doing our best Ginger Indy/Ginger Lara impressions.

And took the little rowboat back to the “mainland”.

That night headed back to the ranch to watch Manny Pacquiao and Timothy Bradley knocking seven shades of crap out of each other on the telly.
After a few (probably too many) cold ones and Lance filling in his colourful backstory on the mean streets of LA, we crashed out on the floor of the room behind the bar. Tomorrow we’d be heading over the northern border to Mexico in search of adventure, excitement and more bits of Mayan awesomeness. Thanks Lance!!