Friday 21st March 2014
To say the last couple of weeks have been a bit hectic would be one hell of an understatement. As well as prepping to move to Panama, I travelled down to Bath to speak at my 6th TED Talk, TEDxBathUniversity. Ch-ch-check it out!!
The following weekend I was invited the to the 60th wedding anniversary of our family friends. They’re massive Liverpool fans, so the party was held in the trophy room at Anfield. I should make it clear at this point that I’m a blue, a toffee, an Evertonian (if that wasn’t clear from the last entry) so it felt like I was boozing and carousing behind enemy lines.

While this was going on I was frantically capturing the footage from The Odyssey Expedition. Over 240 hours worth of tapes… and it takes an hour to capture an hour. The solution? Four computers, four Sony HDV cameras and my alarm going off every hour through the night for a week to change tapes.

Our last night out in Liverpool was spent with Casey, Ste, Cyrus and Graeme – which OF COURSE ended in a drunken mess.
I woke up in Cyrus’s spare room with Casey out for the count. I got picked up by my mum, raced to town to grab the last few bits and pieces that I might need for the next year in Panama, thundered home to, y’know, pack – then returned to Cyrus’s to wake a very groggy Casey up from her slumber.
I said my goodbyes to my mum (aww…!), and then Casey and I drove down to London. Our flight to Central America (via New York) leaves at 5pm tomorrow. This is it baby: my next great adventure!