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A Break In The Clouds

November 2015

While I was working on making the island just that little bit more comfortable so I could justify charging people to stay, I hosted my first two AirBnB guests, Elle and Elly. Both hailing from the UK, I couldn’t have hoped for a more positive pair of patrons to declare Jinja Island open!

They only stayed for two nights, so we didn’t get a chance to properly explore the archipelago, but we did get to see some dolphins in Dolphin Bay as well as visit Ernie’s Fried Chicken Shack, Los Amigos. 

Not long after Elle and Elly had left, Jinja was invaded by a flash mob of international travellers looking for somewhere to chill for the afternoon.

Like I was going to say no...!

And so I found myself all-too-briefly hosting Jake, Nils, Shannah, Angela, Morgane, Clara and Lisa. Jake brought me a present… a new machete in a gorgeous leather holder. That’ll come in handy for all things island.

It got me thinking though… I need me more accommodation space! While my friends from the UK might be happy to sleep anywhere and everywhere, if more than just a couple of people are going to pay to stay, I needed to up my game!

At the end of the month, Jake, Shannah and I met up again to shoot the pilot of a great TV show concept of Jake’s, looking at where our everyday food comes from. I got in touch with Robert over at the Green Acres chocolate farm and we spent a few hours filming the process of making chocolate out of cocoa pods from seed to Mars bar.

The pilot we made was pretty good. I’ll have to dig it off my old hard-drive at some point and post it on here. In the meantime, here’s a picture of Shannah looking remarkably happy that chocolate, y’know… exists!


All in all, a pretty chillaxed month, which is good as it gave me a bit of a breather before the madness that is Christmas and New Year in Bocas Del Toro. Hold on to your coconuts!


Graham Hughes is a British adventurer, presenter, filmmaker and author. He is the only person to have travelled to every country in the world without flying. From 2014 to 2017 he lived off-grid on a private island that he won in a game show, before returning to the UK to campaign for a better future for the generations to come.