Stairway To Heaven
August 2015 Crazy as this might sound, I had spent most of my first year on Jinja sleeping on the couch, for one damn good
Get in Touch!
August 2015 Crazy as this might sound, I had spent most of my first year on Jinja sleeping on the couch, for one damn good
March 2019 On February 28th 2019 I achieved something few people thought possible: I turned 40. As part of my birthday present, I was gifted
Tuesday 1st April 2014 You wanna brief tour of Jinja Island? Yeah? Yeah?? Okay then…………… Here’s everything you need to know about my little gingdom
New Year 2015 The next day it was back to Bocas AGAIN (this was a long month). I had some very special guests to pick
December 2014 Globally, 2014 was the hottest year on record. This is because global warming is a real thing that will eventually affect each and
Sunday 13th – Tuesday 15th April 2014 After saying goodbye to Lance, our generous and wonderful host, Case and I hotfooted it onto the bus to