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SOS Island | San Juan

Saturday 6th – Sunday 7th October 2013

Saturday was the last day we got to spend with the eight contestants who didn’t make the cut. We said our goodbyes and some of us, some very naughty people (me, Veronica, Tam & Natalie), went out on the lash, ending up at 3am in some 24hr McDonalds wondering what the hell was going on.

The next morning I was up with the lark for a day trip to San Juan, the capital of Puerto Rico. Us remaining eight contestants, together with our new host Andrea Feczko, bundled into the production minibus for a trip around town.

We visited the fort, the old town and then tucked into some local cuisine. I had paella with freshly caught seafood. Damn it’s good to be back in the Caribbean. Last time I was here in 2009 I skipped Puerto Rico as it’s part of the USA and not a sovereign state in its own right, but out of all the countries of the “West Indies”, I liked the Dominican Republic the best, and San Juan, with its old-school Spanish flavour reminded me very much of some very good times in Santo Domingo.

Kinda appropriate since the two islands are literally next door to each other. 


Graham Hughes is a British adventurer, presenter, filmmaker and author. He is the only person to have travelled to every country in the world without flying. From 2014 to 2017 he lived off-grid on a private island that he won in a game show, before returning to the UK to campaign for a better future for the generations to come.