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SOS Island | Day 3 | The Food Drop

Wednesday 9th October 2013

Episode 3 - Fire Starter

Behind-The-Scenes Diary

After spending all of Tuesday filming challenges, everybody was (understandably) exhausted. Luckily, today we had no challenges to film today.

The morning was spent filming the ‘aftermath’ chats in which we talk to the camera about how we felt we did in the challenges and then in the afternoon we shot the second live show from the island.

I think I’m clever doing all these little vids of me breaking into coconuts without a knife, starting a fire without a flint, but sometimes I quite literally bite off more than I can chew…


Very little of this show is staged. We’re in our camp, they mic us up and bring the stuff to us. Andrea turns up, does her stuff (no autocue BTW, I think she does an amazing job – imagine hosting an hour long show live from the jungle in 40 degree heat while getting bitten to death by insects) and we do ours. The only thing we’re told beforehand is where they want us to stand.

Today’s live show involved us making dinner from a variety of tropical foods. I made fish with garlic and chili, fried with delicious plantains. Andrea tweeted to say that if today had been a challenge day, I would have won, which was nice!

After the show, I tucked into my food like a man possessed. It’s easy to take things like food and water for granted until they are taken away.

And so to bed! Well, the issue was rather forced by the whole torrential-downpour-affair that went on pretty much immediately after filming had stopped.

Happily, mine (and Mert’s) shelter kept us bone dry… not something I can say for the others, I’m afraid, but then I’ve been putting up tents in my sleep since I was a kid – some of the contestants here have never even been camping before – eek!!!

Behind-The-Scenes Pics!


Graham Hughes is a British adventurer, presenter, filmmaker and author. He is the only person to have travelled to every country in the world without flying. From 2014 to 2017 he lived off-grid on a private island that he won in a game show, before returning to the UK to campaign for a better future for the generations to come.

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