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Like Dolphins Can Swim

September 2014

After the storms of July and August, the blue sun-shiny September days were a blessed relief. This is low season here in Bocas, but I have no idea why: the weather is incredible, the prices are low, the chitras aren’t too crazy… it seems like the best time of the year to visit.

I feel like I’m finally getting to grips with the place. For instance, here’s a coconut I split in half with a machete with just one blow with a super-sharp machete.

Now that I was getting into the swing of island life, it was time to start getting on with some of my other projects, chief of which was getting the book about The Odyssey Expedition written.

I was expecting more CouchSurfers to arrive on the 4th. However, when I arrived to pick them up from Bocas Town, I found that they had cancelled the booking. Beyond pissed, I returned back to the island, burning $25 worth of fuel in the process. And then, on the way back, the heavens opened. 

In the words of Mr Worf: "I am NOT a merry man".

Yeah, I changed my listing after that, making it super-difficult to request to surf my couch unless you actually bother to read up about the place before you arrive. Tsk!

Happily I did get some nice CSers in September, ones that actually bothered to turn up! Silvia from Madrid and her bf stayed for one night…

Then I had the pleasure of hosting the lovely Heather from the UK (a friend of a friend).

Towards the end of the month I had the pleasure of hosting Marta and Leo from Argentina and Spain.

I took them out to Dolphin Bay, something I’ve done with many of my visitors. 

But WOW… we saw more of our delphine buddies in a hour than I had seen in total since I first came to Bocas in March. Dolphins! Real! Wild! Dolphins!

It was a magical experience and a great way to round off the month, which, looking back, was all rather relaxing compared with what the rest of the year had in store.


Graham Hughes is a British adventurer, presenter, filmmaker and author. He is the only person to have travelled to every country in the world without flying. From 2014 to 2017 he lived off-grid on a private island that he won in a game show, before returning to the UK to campaign for a better future for the generations to come.